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44 Audio Reviews

29 w/ Responses


Well, it certainly is charming, not exactly what I was expecting.
Strong points: your female vocalist, your quirky drumbeats and it's catchy.
Weak points: you seem to have everything on full volume, it is very simple and amateur sounding, and I would be embarassed to listen to it in front of my friends.
I like your sense of humour.

The flood cometh!

I love it! I feel as if I am listening to the soundtrack for Halo 3!
And what I respect most about this song is that you have gone for a good idea over just trying to show us how many MIDI events you can cram into two minutes. It is atmospheric, lovely, and to sound real and gritty rather than perfectly tuned and quantitized.
Thank you!

Gunshy responds:

No, thank you! Usually i try to straddle quantity and quality (of sounds), but with this one i tried to make it sound big and real at the end. The result is drama, and the song practically named itself. Thanks for listening, and i'll be sure to check out your stuff on NG.


Ok, I will admit, I was first drawn to your song through your terrible spelling of 'Involuntary Sleep'. (Unvolentery Sleep, what the hell, didn't you go to school?)
But now I will listen to your music and tell you what I think, because that's why you posted it up right?
I see that to you 'goth' doesn't mean a lot of shouting and shredding of guitars, I like that you are going with goth the emotion rather than goth the silly teenage genre.
I also really like the fashion in which your ending trails off at the end.
The rest of the song is catchy, but very basic. My first suggestion would be that you start using whatever keyboard/synth/MIDI system you are running to create your own voices rather than running the rather dull pre-programmed ones.
But apart from that perfectly nice, you keep your recording quality high, something I completly fail to do.

XxX-WOLF-XxX responds:

Hmm, well I do go to school, and I like to think of myself as somene who speaks the english language well, yet, I SO suck at spelling sometimes...
Anyways, thanx, ur right about that whole other aspect of goth, its the emotion I like to express, rather than what kids see goth as today.
I would create my own sounds and what not, but this is just a small hobby, im actually in a band and it takes up most of my time.... thanx again...


I distinctly hear a funky beat!

And out of chaos came...
A funky beat?
Why yes! I distinctly hear a funky beat!
I am very impressed at your skills as an arranger, that is for sure, it must have taken a loooong time to sync all these tracks (or perhaps I am just using the wrong program).
Can't say it was the most pleasant thing in the world to listen to, a little bit too shrill, but it certainly got my head bobbing.
I personally have always had a slight problem with songs that are purely MIDI. I like to also hear noises from the real-world if you know what I mean. But I am aware that there are others who do not share that conviction.
So I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
Anyway, I have written too much, very well done, three cheers!

ZooL152004 responds:

thanks for the review (i think lol), i always try to be original with my mixes and this one was an emphasis of just that, not all music has to be from a certain genre, it can be a mixture of many and this is the goal i like to reach with most of my songs. what i like to hear better than anything though are people's opinions. if i have entertained you, even for just a brief moment, it makes me feel that it was worth the effort. thank you for spending time to write a review and i hope you listen to more of my tracks in future.



Ok, you have pissed me off, good job, mission accomplished.

Head bhanging.

Bhangra-ing up the hizzy!
Ok, that probably wasn't a bhangra sample at all, but thats the only asian genre (apart from j-pop) that I know.
I really like how this song just fades out gracefully. I like the sample, if indeed it was a sample. And even though the sample is a little our of sync with the drums it makes the song feel edgy, and dare i say, RAUNCHY!
Whatever that means.
Give us a song of epic proportions. Or keey it simple, who am I to tell you what to do!

FireWaterBurn responds:

Thanks dude i've started working a longer version of this with some twists in it. So keep your eye out for it.


Yeah, it does sound cool.
Have you ever considered compiling numerous loops next to one another and even on top of one another in some sort of... song?


Well, before I even listen to the song, let me say that I am impressed by your prolific output.
Certainly I would expect a lack of attention to detail from someone who has released 49 songs in under five months; so on the whole I was impressed that your music is of good quality.
What I can't escape is just how MIDI-y everything sounds. MIDI-y = VERY MIDI. As I listen this song I can just see the little dots on your sequencing software fly by!
And what is with the dramatically sudden ending, did my computer just miss something.
Eitherway, my suggestion: spend a significant amount of time on one song and use your clear musical talent to create a masterwork.


Yeah! I think I 'dig' where you were going with this song.
I really like your drummer and enjoy the manner in which your guitars come in and out of the song.
Even your lead-singer seems to have a very apt voice for this genre, if only I could work out what he was saying.
Which legion am I joining? The foreign legion?
Buried underneath the poor recording quality there appears to be a song within this track.


Age 39, Male




Joined on 12/15/04

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